Thursday 31 May 2007

We are guilty of this....excuses, excuses, excuses

Some explanations are regarded as "good excuses," while others are looked upon as "poor excuses." Either way, they both give explanations, or reasons why.

"I forgot" is perhaps the most popular and even thought by some to be the worst excuse of all time.

On the other hand, if you were bed ridden for a week with a real bad flu, that would rank pretty high as a "good excuse" for not going to work, right?

But what about excuses people have concerning their goals and their dreams? What about places we would like to go in life, things we want to do, things we would like to accomplish, the financial freedom we always dream of, but somewhere along the line, those dreams just seem obscure and we start to come up with some "good excuses" for not doing what we need to do to accomplish those dreams. Sound familiar?

Suppose we had dreams and aspirations of running a marathon, climbing a mountain, or even jumping out of a plane? Those are really exciting goals and dreams, but what if we were blind? Being blind would be a pretty "good excuse," wouldn't it?

Have you ever heard of Erik Weihenmayer? He went blind at age 13. Erik has run in marathons, jumped out of planes, and climbed mountains, including Mt. Everest! Here's quote from Erik:

"When I went blind, it was tough to even find the bathroom. Now that I've climbed Mount Everest, well, I guess I've come a long way."

On May 25, 2001, Erik Weihenmayer became the first blind man in history to reach the summit of the world's highest peak - Mount Everest. And on September 5, 2002, when he stood on top of Mt. Kosciusko in Australia, Erik had completed his 7-year goal to climb The Seven Summits - the highest mountains on each of the seven continents.

I know from my research that only 100 mountaineers have ever accomplished that feat. Erik did it at the age 33, one of the youngest climbers to accomplish that feat! You can read Erik's book, called, Touch the Top of the World.

So, are our dreams, goals and desires too big? I don't think so.

So don't be afraid to have big goals, and big dreams! Ask God for help and direction and then start pursuing, and pursue with all your might, without making excuses!

Is there someone you can talk to? Do we need further education or training? Are there places we need to go to see and learn?

In other words, start taking whatever action we can right now, today! And continue to pursue after it day after day, refusing to quit.

We can choose to consistently pursue after our goals or we can choose to just sit back and go through all the "good excuses" of why those goals just won't happen for us.

Our dreams and our desires are important because they are ours! God will help us and give us the desires of our heart.

Stop making excuses and start pursuing our dreams! Just do it!

Note: This post is also a reminder to myself.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Its alright to slack...

I have come to realize that it is only human for anyone to feel tired, bored, unfocused and sometimes to lose interest in whatever goal one pursues in life.

That's exactly what happened to me in the last one month. Hence, I have been neglecting my blog.

Hey, I am human too. Just like everyone else. Have you not ever experience this too? If you have not, you will someday.

The lesson I learned from this episode is that when you slack, you lose more than you gain. Consider yourself lucky if you are able to realize and get back on track again. Pity those who embarked on a journey, only to drop off midway. Why pity? Because, obviously they will never reach their destination of achieving their goals but they will also lose all the time, effort and money that has been spent from the time they started on the journey. What do they gain? To think of it, actually...nothing!

I am blessed with a family that is extremely supportive of me, picking me up when I slip and knows that I am there, and will always be there for them whenever they need me.

Last month, I slipped from my focus on my business on the internet. Guess what, they were there to remind me of my goals and aspirations and helped me to pick up where I left off.

So, its alright to long as you have yourself or people close to you, like family and friends, who are there to remind you and give you that little, subtle pressure to get you back on your feet.

Bottom line is.....stay focused, don't lose sight of your goals, work on the business and never, never give up!.
Shaikh's Inner Thoughts!